"Major Label Quality—Indie Soul"
We Destroy the Old-School!!
We are rewriting the BOOK on what a record label is about!!

"Major Label Quality—Indie Soul"
We Destroy the Old-School!!
We are rewriting the BOOK on what a record label is about!!
Stay up-to-date on our new releases!
Beautiful, haunting, etherial...BLOODHUT is the brainchild of the multi-talented Christopher Ross. Perfect for long highway trips late at night, at moments it sounds like the magical moment when the radio is halfway between channels. Yet there are sweet radio-worthy folk-pop-indie songs as well. Geza X described it like this: "It sounds like the collective unconscious".
The long-awaited RODNEY ON THE ROCK VOL 4!! Radio legend Rodney Bingenheimer has curated 18 favorite songs from his SIRIUS XM show on Channel 21, Underground Garage. Every track is amazing! WE HAVE VINYL TOO!!! (check our shop for bands/titles!!)
Imagine if David Bowie came back on a surfboard and joined The Cramps!! That's about as close as we can describe this wonderfully eccentric and Glammy album from Robbie Quine! (Formerly of Barbarellatones and Sex With Lurch). SUPER-POPULAR ON ALT RADIO!!
Latino Ska is exploding right now! Bands like Tijuana No!, Matamoska, and South Central Skankers are touring again and selling out stadiums. Gabriela Penka kicks ass on this EP, and PACKS the slam pit with their high-energy shows! GO SEE THEM LIVE!! Produced by Geza X!!
Are they Punk? Are they Death Metal? Are they earth-blistering Rock & Roll? YES! Shouldn't music this vile have SOME redeeming qualities?? We don't know. What we DO know is it kicks ASS!! SoCal's first punk band returns to haunt us. Vinyl Version available on our store!
OUT AT LAST!! The long-awaited SCORCHING double album by this great Pop-Punk band! Every song is great. Excellent songwriting and playing throughout. We can easily see them rising to top-40 status while maintaining their quirky "1940's Gangster" look & vibe.
"Little Fat Princess" & "Chinese Lady With Aluminum Foil" Chicano street poet George Murillo crafts his observant, witty lyrics riding the bus!! This genre-defying band has been bending minds on the Los Angeles club scene since the early 1990’s !! BRAND NEW SINGLE produced by Geza X!!
"Spacetime Howard" 1-song single!!
SPECIAL PROMOTION from the vinyl album to be released later his year. A BRILLIANTLY obtuse and intelligent song by Dave "Microwave" Javelosa formerly of San Fransisco's legendary Punk-Art band LOS MICROWAVES!!
The Hully Gullets have ARRIVED, bringing their neo-Motown motif to the old-school new-school smackdown mashup that started a revolution on the evolution of soul rock on your jock at 13 o clock so you can PARTY ON YOUR BLOCK!!
This debut single "Cellphones Don't Work In Dreams" will soon be followed by the retro-cool dance single "There's More"
55 brilliant Indie Musicians randomly shuffled into 14 BRAND NEW BANDS--Recording new songs from their home studios during lockdown!!!
Cherish Alexander, Woody Apanalp, Willie Aron, Joe Baiza, Joe Berardi, Justin Burrill, Greg Cameron, Lyman Chafee, Dan Clucas, John Collinson, Josie Cotton, Joe Dean, Gitane Demone, Marc Doten, Carey Fosse, Rainer Fraenkel, Heather Galipo, Weba Garretson, Mike Glass, Steve Gregoropoulos, Probyn Gregory, Pat Hoed, Brandon Jay, David O. Jones, Richard Jones, Richard Krieger, Erick Yanez, Victor Krummenacher, Mario Lalli, Bob Lee, Herb Lienau, Mark Mastopietro, Danny Mc Gough, Jim Mills, John Montgomery, Marc Mylar, Eric Potter, Paul Roessler, Ruben Romano, Ian Smith, Laura Smith, Carolyn Soyars, Dave Soyars, Jonathon Stearns, Andy Sykora, Dave Travis, William Tutton, Mike Watt, Amber Webber, Mark Wheaton, Bill Woodcock, Geza X, Esteban Chavez, Jon Wahl
(Vinyl version available at ORGMUSIC.COM) All digital proceeds go to Parkinson's Research.
Major Label Quality - Indie Soul
We are a boutique label that specializes in well-produced music you won’t find anywhere else. All the acts are curated by Geza X personally. We defy trends. We hate genres. We are against racism, sexism, genderism, and ageism. If it sounds great and bends the envelope in some way we release it. You will find many unique musical styles and some wicked new surprises. We love music for its own sake and don’t give a rat’s ass about the money. Support Geza X Records and you are giving real artists the exposure they deserve. The reason Geza X has done this forever is because he‘s crazy about music, has mad tech skills, and just can’t help it. It’s the music. It’s always been the music. Long live the music. That’s literally why he is a legend.